Many people who suffer from ankle sprains and other foot injuries consider getting a sprain as a very minor injury. However, it can be a painful experience and can keep you off your feet for a while.

Pain is one of the first things that people notice when they have been injured. Even those who have never suffered a sprained ankle before may be worried about a possible sprain. The pain may not seem that bad on its own but can worsen when it gets worse. If the pain is not too severe or is only mild, then you may want to try and rest your ankle or keep it resting until the swelling goes down.
After getting pain relief, you may feel like the pain has gone away. However, the pain may come back after a few days or weeks. Some people will experience a greater amount of pain after the first few days, but they will eventually go away.
If the pain seems to be more intense or persists, you should call a doctor immediately and make an appointment for an appointment. You may need to take acetaminophen or ibuprofen for some relief. If your doctor orders an MRI or X-rays of your foot, you will be able to see what has happened. This is a good thing to do if you are unsure whether or not you have actually been injured or not.
If your doctor has determined that you have sprained your ankle, you may be prescribed anti-inflammatory medication. You may also be told to take the heat to help reduce the swelling. If this does not work, your doctor will likely recommend surgery to remove the bone spurs and/or the bone itself. There is always a chance that surgery could leave you with a permanent deformity or injury to one or more of your bones.
In most cases, you will be advised to rest your ankle for a while and let the pain subside before going to bed at night and before you begin your daily routine. Be sure to keep your shoes on so that you will not accidentally trip on them while trying to get some sleep.
As the pain in your toe subsides, you can try to move it and keep it moving. If you have an idea of what activities and movements you would like to be able to do, you can even use these activities to help relieve the pain.

It is important that you get as much rest as possible following an ankle sprain. So that the swelling doesn’t stay around. Keep in mind that an injury is a lot worse if you do not rest the area properly.
Try wearing a splint when you get home from the doctor’s office. A splint should be worn in the same place where you put on your socks and shoes. In fact, you can even wear a splint under your shoe. By doing this, you will avoid aggravating the injury.
Do some walking every day to keep yourself active and moving around during the day. This helps to prevent the symptoms from coming back. Even if the ankle has healed and your pain is gone, you should still try to do some light walking to be sure that you are still healthy.
When your pain in your toe is very severe, you may want to consult with a podiatrist or orthopedist for further advice. In most cases, they will recommend some form of treatment such as an operation braces or splints.
The pain may linger and may become more intense over time. Sometimes, even wearing shoes will only increase the severity of the pain and make it worse. Therefore, you should always wear the correct socks and shoes. This will limit your activities to just one or two things at a time and may help you avoid more problems down the road.