Creating articles for your blog is one of the best ways to build an audience, drive traffic and make money. However, if you’re busy running a business and have a day job, it can be difficult to find time to create new articles.
That’s why we’ve developed this guide to help you create articles fast. Here are some hacks from us on how to get started:
Use Copy.AI for fast creating any articles for your blog
Copy.AI is a tool that can help you create an article in less than a minute. You simply paste your text into the box and it automatically creates a unique article for you. This is an AI-powered tool that generates high-quality content for your website or blog. It’s like a personal assistant that writes articles for you — but better.
Just enter your keyword, select the writing tone and click on Create Article. You will get a fully-written unique article that is ready to be published!
Here’s how it works:
Step 1: Enter your Main keyword and choose "Blog title" tool
Then select the Writing Tone, and click Create Content. Choose from dozens of matching Titles.
Step 2: Enter your Title and keywords
And click Generate Outline. Make changes to Outlines and Talking Points if necessary...
Step 3: Click on Create Blog Post
Wait a few seconds for the magic to happen, and your New Unique and Fully Structured article is READY, enjoy...
And now, please check what happened

Writing an effective blog post is no easy task. It takes hours of research and planning, but it's worth it when your content reaches its intended audience and impacts them in a meaningful way. In this guide, we'll walk you through the entire process of writing a blog that people actually want to read.
Decide on the message you want to get across.
Before you can write a blog that people actually want to read, there’s one thing you need to do: Know what message you want to get across.
Don't just write about anything. If your only goal is to fill up space on the internet and make money by driving traffic, then by all means, go for it. But if your goal is for readers (and potential customers) to find value in your content and share it with their friends and family members? Then maybe consider writing something that has some substance behind it first—something more than just “This is my opinion on this topic!”
Likewise, don't just write about things that interest or excite you personally; those things might not be relevant or interesting enough for anyone else besides yourself! And don't just write anything because it seems like something people need to know—if they didn't know already (or if they've heard enough), then it's not worth putting out there at all!
Create a blog writing process.
Here are some tips for creating a writing process that works for you:
Write an outline. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure that you’re covering all the important points, while also keeping the length of your posts in check.
Research your topic, then write on it! Before tackling anything else, be sure to do some research on what people are searching for information about and why they would want to read about it—this will help guide you in structuring each blog post.
Write body copy (aka “the meat”). This is where we get into the detail of each point listed in our outline so that readers can understand exactly what we mean by them and what their relevance is within our blog post as a whole. Body copy should be written using proper grammar, spelling, punctuation and sentence structure—so use Word spellcheck before publishing! Also remember that shorter sentences will always sound more professional than longer ones when communicating with clients or colleagues via email or phone calls during business hours because they're easier on people's ears/eyes since there aren't any long paragraphs containing multiple ideas at once (which means less mental strain too!).
Research your topic.
Research your topic thoroughly. You can't write about something if you don't know anything about it. Researching is also the only way to make sure that you are writing about something people actually care about. This means that you should use a variety of sources, research methods and tools in order to make sure that your writing is factual and accurate.
It's also important to ensure that all of your information is credible; otherwise, no one will trust what you're saying! Make sure that every source has been properly cited so other people can find out more information on their own if they want to learn more about what you've written
Write a blog outline.
It’s important to know what your blog is about before you begin writing. Start by creating an outline that covers all the points you want to make in your article.
For example, if you’re writing about how to get a flat stomach, your outline could look like this:
What causes belly fat?
How can I reduce bloating?
What should I eat for breakfast?
What exercises are good for losing weight?
This will make it easier for you when it comes time to write up your article since we already have all of our ideas organized. This method also makes sure everyone has read and understands what was written before continuing onto another section or paragraph!
Craft your blog title and headline.
The title is the first thing people will see, so it should be catchy and interesting.
The headline is the first thing people will read, so it should explain what the blog is about in a few words that are relevant to its content.
The title and headline should be descriptive enough for someone who doesn't know anything about your blog or industry to get an idea of what they'll find within seconds of landing on your page; however, they shouldn't be too long-winded.
Write your body copy.
When it comes to the body copy, you want your blog posts to be interesting and useful. You also want them to read like an actual conversation with a friend or colleague. You don't have to write in a stiff or stuffy way; instead, choose words that are easy on the eyes and fun to read.
Write in short sentences. Break up your text into sections by using headers, bulleted lists, and subheadings (especially if you're writing about something technical). By using these elements as guideposts for readers who skim through your work, they can quickly find what they need without having to read every single word on the page—or even every sentence!
Use emojis when appropriate (and not too often). Emojis add personality and context without taking up space within the actual body copy itself—so go ahead: bust out those smileys!
Write a call-to-action for each post.
You want to guide your readers through your posts, but you also want them to be able to find the information they need quickly and easily. A call-to-action (CTA) is a sentence at the end of each post that asks your reader to do something. It could ask them to comment on the post or share it on social media, or it could even direct them elsewhere on your site using links in the text.
The best CTAs include an action word ("click here", "sign up now"), give some kind of benefit for doing what you're asking, and put it somewhere obvious so that readers will see it right away when they finish reading through your blog post.
Create visuals or media for the post.
As you write your post, consider what visuals or media would enhance the piece. If you’re explaining a process, an image may be helpful (and entertaining!) to illustrate it. If there are facts that help support an argument or story, they can also be illustrated by a photo or video.
Using images and video will help with SEO (search engine optimization) because Google likes to see images in posts so it knows what content is most important for searchers to see first. It also helps with social media sharing because people like photos and videos, which means more eyes on your content! In addition, adding images can break up the text and make reading more interesting for readers who don’t have time for long blocks of text (like me).
A well thought out blog post can be interesting and effective.
So, now that you know what kind of content will get people to read your blog and how to go about creating it, let's talk about how to make sure your post is effective.
What makes a blog post interesting?
How do you make your blog interesting for readers?
How do you make your blog stand out from the crowd and get people to read it?
If we're going to be honest here, no one has time in their life for boring things. You have better things to do than fill up your brain with information that doesn't serve a purpose or teach them anything relevant or useful. That's why making sure every piece of content on your site is written with an eye toward being engaging and useful is so important if you want people reading what you've got going on there!
Now that you know how to write a blog post people will actually want to read, it’s time to get started! You can start by creating an outline of what you want your blog post to look like and then go through each step of the process one at a time. If you want more tips on how to create an effective blog, check out our other articles on this topic in our library.
NOTE: This article was created entirely using Copy.AI (Blog Post Wizard Tool)
Copy.AI is over 90+ tools in one place which include generating content in 25+ languages for websites, landing pages, sales letters, social media, and even email marketing and much more...